Not to point out the obvious but 2020 has been, at it's best, um.......bizarre. And yet, with all it's ebbs & flows, also as normal & heartbreaking as any other year. In short-ish:
I painted quite a bit this year but have been simply too drained to build a 2020 portfolio page (see paragraph below)
Regardless I've continued to enjoy a number of commissions & sales thru blu Egg Interior Galleries & Chasen Galleries & developed a portfolio for a local retail business for resale as prints
Studio 120, my vlog web channel on YouTube, has over 400 vlog-gy videos about painting, the life of an artist, & with real time painting sessions thrown in; I started a Patreon page that's LOADED with rewards & have a new Facebook page dedicated to selling gaiters, masks & poster prints - Beck Lane: Gaiters & Masks.
On the personal side, my best friend, Bugsy, developed cancerous tumors in his mouth & fell so sick he had to be euthanized Aug 1st. He died at home with my body curled around his on the floor & our eyes locked on each other. Losing him has been....nothing short of crushing. Since Bugsy's death, my cat Kittahy (Tiger) has turned out to be a wonderful, less than affectionate, indoor/outdoor pal - exactly the dog like cat I needed to keep from becoming a complete hermit.
So, we're keepin' on keepin' on - doin' what we gotta do & still working towards the future & the goals I am bound & determined to reach. CHEERS peers!